Beginner (B1)
Hammerfist forward
Hammerfist downward
Drill: 30 seconds non-stop aggressive hammerfists forward. On instructor's call of "DOWN!" both pad holder and striker kneel and striker throws hard and fast hammerfists for another 30 seconds. Instructor calls "DOWN!" and striker lays on back, pad holder mounts or stands over striker, and striker makes hammerfists from prone position. Last "DOWN!" is 30 seconds of ground and pound with striker mounted on pad.
Choke from Behind with a Push
Drill: Split class into A's and B's. A's stand in neutral with eyes closed. B's are roaming attackers and can push from the front for 6-10 hammerfists until pad holder calls "TIME!" or apply Choke from Behind with a Push.
Intermediate (D1)
Front Kick to a Vertical Target (review)
Side Kick
Uppercut Back Kick
Drill: Monkey in the Middle; 2-3 pad holders; 1 striker. Striker stands in center. When pad holder (stationed at front, side, or behind) give verbal cue, striker throws the appropriate combative from above given the angle. Emphasize non-stop verbal cues for a dynamic round.
Drill: Same as above except now striker must follow up with non-stop hand combatives. Pad holders may interrupt with verbal cue after just 1 or 2 strikes or make striker work for longer.
Choke from Behind Against a Wall
Choke from Behind with a Pull
Drill: A/B Drill. A's are stationed facing the wall, a foot or so away. B's are roaming attackers and can apply Choke from Behind Against a Wall or Choke from Behind with a Pull.
Advanced (D1)
Plucking/Rowing Defense v. Side Kick
Scissor Round Kick
Thai Pads
Round 1: Free work with punches and kicks. Pad holder can throw side kick at striker at any time. Striker defends with Plucking/Rowing Defense v. Side Kick
Round 2: Add sprawls
Round 3: When pad holder calls "UP!" striker throws a Scissor Round Kick to the Thai Pads
Gun from Behind, Attacker Close (hug defense)
Drill: Groups of 3. 1 pair of thai pads; 1 striker/defender; 1 attacker. Repeat work from Round 3 on Thai Pads. Attacker can apply Gun from Behind, Attacker Close (hug defense) at any time. Defender makes defense and immediately returns back to pads.