Movement – Shadow boxing w/o punches or kicks
Basic Takedown Defense (changing height, moving feet)
Choke from Behind
Drill: A/B drill. Group A attacks, group B defends. Defenders in passive stance, eyes closed. Attackers choke from behind. During defense, attacks should try to grab at defender’s legs or get under the control arm to take defender down. Safety Note: Attackers should NOT actually perform the takedown unless ample space is available and everyone knows how to fall break safely. Simply exposing the opportunity for the takedown is sufficient.

Defense vs. Low Round Kick (absorb)
Defense vs. Low Round Kick (shin block)
Focus Mitt Drill: Round 1: pad holder calls for combinations 1-5. Striker delivers punches to focus mitt then throws appropriate low round kick at the end of the combination. Focus mitt holder either absorbs or checks the kick. Round 2: Same drill with combinations 6-9. Round 3: free work any combination, everything ends with a low round kick.
Headlock from the Side
Drill: A/B drill. Group A attacks, group B defends. Defenders in passive stance, eyes closed. Attackers headlock from either side.

Thai pad rounds from opposite stance. Round 1: Combinations 1-5 with kicks. Round 2: 6-10 with kicks. Round 3: Freework
Gun from Behind (touching), live side & dead side
Gun from Side, Behind the Arm (both sides)
Circle-of-Death Drill: 1 defender, rest of class attacks. All lower Level (1-3) attacks plus gun from behind (touching), and gun from side (behind arm). Have attackers & defenders go half-speed for 30 seconds to establish a rhythm of constant attacks, then immediately into the full speed drill for 60 seconds.


-Shadowboxing + Sprawls
-Shoulder Tap Drill

360 Defense
Knees w/ Clinch
Grps 2, Atkr, Def. Attacker sends 360. Defend and burst into clinch. Send several knees, finish and reset.

Front Choke 2-Hand Pluck

DRILL - FINAL: Roaming Attacker
Grps of Atkrs, Defs. Defenders spread out neutral, eyes closed. Attackers roam applying Front Choke. Attacker can choose to pull back from defense and send 360 for defend/clinch/finish from above.


Headbutt (All Directions)
Grps 2. Strkr, Pad. Padholder cues for any headbutt to start combo. Striker sends headbutt then transitions if necessary to continue striking as appropriate.
*NOTE: Goal is to identify target/send weapon so speed of combo should be as fast as possible while being fluid.

Headlock Side
Ground Side Headlock - Forward
Ground Side Headlock - Backward

DRILL - FINAL: Role Flow
Grps of 4 (A, B, C, D) in a line, spread out. A starts of as attacker, B neutral eyes closed, C and D lying on ground/side. A attacks B with Side Headlock. B defends and moves to attack C with Ground Headlock Forward, while A stands neutral, eyes closed. After defending, C moves on to attack D with Ground Headlock Backward, B stays on ground. After defense, C stays on ground, D runs down to attack A, and flow resumes.

DRILL - W/U: Tabata Punches
Grps 2, Stkr, Pad. Striker sends all out punches for 20 seconds, then rests 10 seconds. Repeat for 4 rounds then switch. After other person goes, repeat again for a total of 8 rounds per person.

Gun from the Front (Review)
Gun from the Side of the Head
Gun from the Side, Front of Arm

Grps 3, Pad, Stkr/Defr, Roaming Atkr. Padholder cues Striker for any forward combative and a number of strikes to be thrown. Attacker can apply any Side Attack (Gun, Choke, Headlock). Defend and back on pad.


Straight Punches

Groin Kick

Drill: A/B drill with straight punches or groin kicks

Choke from the Side

Drill: eyes closed, choke from either side

Drill: eyes closed, choke from the side or strikes from any angle (hammer fist, straight punches, groin kicks)



Hook Punch

Uppercut Punch

Combo #8 (Right Uppercut/Left Hook/Right Straight)

Combo #9 (Left Uppercut/Right Straight/Left Hook)

Defense v. Front Kick to the Groin (redirect)

Defense v. Low Round Kick (absorb)

Drill: pad holder moves around and calls out punch combinations OR makes a low kick



Thai Pads: Combo #9 (Left uppercut/Right Cross/Left Hook) with Right Knee

Thai Pads: after the knee, pad holder shoots and striker must sprawl

Gun from the Front

Gun from Behind (Touching)

Drill: gun techniques hold packages, bags, etc. in hands; ALSO, gunman moving, pointing the gun in different directions so that the defender must wait for an opportunity.


L/R Combination


Front Kick Groin

Round Kick

Drill: 3 Round Drill

Choke from Front (2 Hands)

Choke from Behind

Drill: Groups of 4-5; one defender- non stop attacks, 1st round slow and easy, 2nd round fast and aggressive

Belt Drill
Hook Punch
Headbutt forward
Focus Mitt Combination: Left, Right, Left Hook, Headbutt forward
Ground- Kick off from guard
Ground- Choke from the Side
Drill: Choke from the Side Ground- make space, kick attacker away; get up and work focus mitts (using today's combo) then drop down and restart.



Round Kick

Jumping Round Kick

Scissor Round Kick

Knife Downward Stab

Knife Threat

Drill: eyes closed, open on command, recognize Downward Stab v. Knife Threat



Palm Heel Strikes


Drill: A/B Sprint Drill; Groups of 3; 2 pad holders and 1 Striker. Pad holders line up on opposite ends of the mat with Striker in between. Designate one line of pads as “A” and opposite line of pads as “B.” When instructor calls “A!” Striker sprints to A and throws nonstop, hard, fast Palm Heel Strikes. When instructor call “B!” Striker sprints to B for nonstop knees.

Ground – Back Position                                                                                      Ground – Front Kick                                                                                          Ground – Round Kick                                                                                        Ground – Getting Up



Hook Punch

Focus mitts and partners

Round 1: Combinations 3 (Jab/Cross/Lead Hook) and 7 (Lead Hook/Cross/Lead Hook)

Round 2: 3Reload (Jab/Cross/Lead Hook/Lead Hook/Cross) and 7Reload (Lead Hook/Cross/Lead Hook/ Lead Hook/Cross)

One focus mitt on dominant hand, curved kick shield in non-dominant hand

Round 3: Pad holder holds curved kick shield for Low Round Kick and holds for the following in this order: 1) Jab/Rear Low Kick, 2) Lead Hook (holder must rotate palm away from centerline)/Rear Low Kick, 3) Cross/Lead Low Kick, 4) Rear Hook/Lead Low Kick

Defense v. Low Round Kick (absorb)

Defense v. Low Round Kick (shin block)



Jumping Front Kick

Jumping Side Kick

Drill: Basic target recognition on curved kick shield: 2 hand combatives, Front Kick Groin, Round Kick, plus Jumping Front Kick or Jumping Side Kick

Gun to the Side of the Head

Gun from the Side, Behind the Arm

Drill: A/B Drill with either gun defense from above

Left/Right Combination
Front Kick (Groin)
Round (kick)
Drill: 30 seconds of max punches, then switch pad. 30 seconds of max FKG, then switch. 30 seconds of 2 round kicks right and 2 round kicks left, then switch. Have students keep track of their number of strikes as a team for friendly competition.
Drill: 4 minute shared interval round. 15 seconds of max punches, immediately switch the pad. Then, 15 seconds each of FKG, Round Kick, and 2 punches and a push-up. Repeat until the 4 minutes has elapsed. Emphasize that strikes should be maximum power and speed.
Choke from the Front, 2-handed Pluck
Drill: Round Robin; Groups of 3 A/B/C: A holds for punches at one end of the room; at the other end, B stands with eyes closed; C makes Choke Front, 2 handed Pluck to B; B defends, then sprints across the room while C stands with eyes closed; B makes 10 left/right combinations, then takes the pad; A runs across the room and attacks C. So all 3 students are rotating through attacking, being attacked, punching, and holding for punches.  They rotate continuously.

Headbutt Forward
Headbutt Upward
Headbutt to the Side
Headbutt Backward
Drill 1: Closing the distance. 1 tombstone pad holder, 1 striker. Striker stands in passive stance, eyes shut. Pad holder gets striker’s attention either verbally or by jarring them with the pad. Striker opens eyes, identifies threat, and strikes their way into using a headbutt (i.e. straight punch, elbow, headbutt)
Drill 2: 3 strikes drill. 1 focus mitt holder, 1 striker. Focus mitt holder places mitt on strikers face and pushes striker’s head (be a bully). Striker works on verbal de-escalation techniques and positioning (situational awareness). After a brief moment, mitt holder pushes striker’s head again (escalating situation). Striker, continues to de-escalate while maintaining situation awareness of room. Mitt holder pushes striker’s head for a third time and presents the mitt for strikes. Striker flips the switch immediately delivers punches, elbows, and headbutts to the pad. Reset and go again. Safety Note: mitt holder, be sure to make contact first, THEN push. Do not inadvertently slap your partner in the head.

Review 360 defenses (bottom half of circle, both hands)
Knife – threat, defense to live side
Knife – threat, defense to dead side
Drill: Circle-of-death. 1 defender, everyone else is an attacker. Working at 25%-50% speed, attackers are allowed to bring on any unarmed attack from lower levels (1-3) as well as knife threats. Note: Defenders are training situational awareness. They should be constantly looking for attacker’s wielding weapons and prioritize those defenses accordingly.


Left/Right Combo

Elbow #1 (both arms)

Combo: Left/Right/Left Elbow ("2 elbow")

Combo: Left/Right/Left/Right Elbow ("3 elbow")

Front Kick Vertical Target


Combo: Front Kick Vertical Target/Knee (same leg)

Drill: pad holder calls out "2 elbow," "3 elbow," or "kick" for the kick/knee combo

Choke From Behind
Drill: striking as above, third person makes Choke From Behind




Combo: Left/Left Uppercut/Right Straight

Combo: Left/Right Uppercut/Left Hook

Headlock from the Side

Drill: groups of 3; work the combinations, third person makes Headlock from the Side



Focus Mitts 3 rounds of 3 minutes -- the second half of each round must be in opposite stance; to increase degree of difficulty, have the instructor call out "switch" at random so that the striker must switch stances on command

Headlock from the Side, Spinning Inward

Gun from the Side, In Front of Arm

Drill: either gun or headlock


Left/Right Combintion
Round Kick (also work switch round kick)
Drill: Thai Pads- 2-3 minute rounds, straight punch combinations with round kicks, add sprawls in the second round
Choke from Front
Choke from Side
Choke from Behind
Drill: Monkey in the Middle- Groups of 5; One defender, non-stop attacks

Thai Pads- 3-2 minute rounds
Round 1- Left/Right/Right Elbow/Liver Shot/Left hook/Right Cross
Round 2- Add- Bob and weave/Left hook/Right Cross/Left Round Kick/Right Knee
Round 3- Put both combos together!
Choke from Behind with a pull
Hair Grab Behind
Bearhug Behind
Drill: Groups of 3; Defender, works combinations on Thai Pads, Attacker; makes makes any of the above attackes

Jumping Spinning Back Kick
Inside Defense with counters
Slow Sparring- 1-2 min round- Open Hands, light contact
Hip Throw
Buck trap roll (quick review)
Elbow escape (quick review)
Drill: Slow Sparring with Hip throw- 2-2 min rounds- A's & B's
Round 1- A's are the Aggressors- Open hands, light contact sparring, on instructors signal "Down" A's are taking their partner (safely) down with a hip throw and quickly mounting them, B's must work to gain a better position, quickly get up on their feet and continue with Slow sparring.
Round 2- B's are now the Aggressors- Same drill as above.


Left/Right Combination Round Kick Knees Drill:

Drill: Pyramid 30 seconds Left/Right combo 10 second Rest

45 seconds Round Kick 10 second Rest

60 seconds Non-stop Knee strikes 10 second Rest

90 seconds Target recognition: 2 punches, Round Kick, or Knee

Ground – Side Position

Ground – Side Kick

Ground – Getting Up (from side position)

Drill: A is at one end of mat and performs 20 Ground Pound strikes to kick shield, sprints to other side of mat where B is waiting and is performing tactical get up from side position and back down again. If B is on ground when A reaches them, perform side kick and get up. If they are standing, make 10 punches. 2 minutes and switch.



Drill 1: Secondary Attacker. A has thai pads. B is Striker. C has curved kick shield. A calling basic combinations for B. At any time, C can make verbal cue from behind. B makes Back Kick, followed up by 6 hand combatives.

Drill 2: Attacker Stack: Same as above, but after making Back Kick, B attempts to stack attackers during follow-up hand combatives using movement and footwork.

Hair Grab from Behind

Bearhug from Behind, Leverage on the Finger

Final Drill: Same as Drill 2, except C can apply Hair Grab from Behind or Bearhug from Behind, Leverage on the Finger OR make verbal cue for Back Kick and Attacker Stack.



Thai Pad Cauldron

Round 1: pad holder calls combo, striker performs the combo 1x.

Round 2: pad holder calls combo, striker performs the combo 2x, sprawling in between combos.

Round 3: pad holder calls combo, striker performs combo 3x, sprawling in between combos.

Gun from Behind at a Distance

Drill: Bull in the Ring: Groups of 4-5. One defender, everyone else is an attacker. All self defense techniques levels 1-3 + Gun from Behind at a Distance

Hammerfist Forward
Hammerfist Downward
Hammerfist to the Side
Drill: Striker eyes closed, pad holder bumps striker from the front or from the side, striker; make the appropriate hammerfist and follow with counter attacks until pad holder calls time.
Wrist Releases
Choke from the side
Drill: Defender; eyes closed, attacker; either bumps defender and holds for Hammerfists or makes a choke from the side  

Back Kick
Drill: Groups of 3, Large shield, Focus Mitts- working basic combinations, Pad holder with the large shield gives a verbal signal and walks towards striker from behind, striker; executes a back kick and continues working the mitts
Choke Behind with a pull
Bearhug Behind (lifting)
Ground- Fallbreak Back
Drill: Groups of 3, Large Kicking shield; Defender; eyes closed, pad holder; (safely) shoves defender with the pad, defender makes a Back Fallbreak, quickly gets up and follows up with strikes, attacker; makes either Choke from behind with a pull or Bearhug behind (lifting)

3 Round Drill
Long Gun from the Front- Live Side
Long Gun from the Front- Dead Side
Drill: Groups of 4-5, 2 minutes, 1 defender; non-stop attacks, any level 1,2,3 techniques, include Long Gun (both Live and Dead Side)

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