Lesson Plans Wednesday, May 1, 2019

John Whitman
May 1, 2019

Beginner (B2)

Straight Punches bursting from neutral

Clinch knees

Front Kick (groin)

Drill: Padholder pushes Striker, Striker orients sends bursts in with 4 straight punches followed by 4 clinch knees, then resets back to neutral.

Drill: Same as above, but Padholder can cue for Front Kick (groin) or straight punches. Striker always follows up with 4 clinch knees.

Headlock from Behind

Drill: Monkey in the Middle: 2 attackers; 1 defender. Attackers can push Defender with pad, holding for 4 straight punches or Front Kick Groin, followed up by NONSTOP clinch knees OR Headlock from Behind. Remind attackers to be as unpredictable as possible; i.e. sometimes applying Headlock/giving a shove with pad before Defender can even get to clinch knees, varying the time of clinch knees, and to avoid only one person applying Headlock and the other holding the pad every single time.

Intermediate (B2)

Inside Slap Kick

Outside Slap Kick

Inside Defense (very quick review from Level 1)

Focus mitts

Round 1: Basic combinations. In between combinations, Mitt holder can use palm of focus mitt to mimic a straight punch. Striker defends with Inside Defense.Round 2: Basic combinations with Inside Slap Kick following any odd numbered combination, i.e. 3 = Jab/Cross/Lead Hook/Inside Slap Kick

Round 3: Basic combinations with Outside Slap Kick following any even numbered combination, i.e. 2 = Jab/Cross/Outside Slap Kick

Defense v. Hook (covering)

Defense v. Uppercut

Defense v. High Round Kick (2 and 3 points)

Drill: Isolation 3-Step Hands Only: A can attack B with a Straight Punch, Hook, or Uppercut but only with the lead hand. After A has thrown 3 combatives and B defends, B immediately becomes the attacker and throws any 3 punches with lead hand. Partners should switch roles back and forth, but encourage students to start slow and pick up speed and change timing as the round goes on.

Advanced (B2)

Partner groups; Thai pads and gloves

Round 1: Free work using combinations 1K-10K

Round 2: Add cross/hook or hook/cross after combination, i.e. 1K = Jab/rear round kick/lead hook/cross, 2K = Jab/cross/lead round kick/cross/hook.

Round 3: Add another opposite leg kick to the combination, i.e. 1K = Jab/rear round kick/lead hook/cross/lead round kick, 2K = Jab/cross/lead round kick/cross/hook/rear round kick.

Gun from the Side, in Front of the Arm

Gun from the Front, Pushing into Stomach

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