Palm Heel Strikes
Groin Kick
Hammerfist Downward (discuss position -- they should not get so close that they are open to being taken down/legs grabbed)
Combo: using Palm/Heel Strikes, Left/Right/Right Groin Kick (recoil)/Right Hammer Fist Down
Choke Front (1 Hand)
Hook Punch
Combos 6 & 7
Combo 6 variation: Right/Left Hook/Right Hook
Defense v. Hook Punch - Extended
Defense v. Hook Punch - Covering
Light sparring using straight punches and hooks
Thai Pads: 2 rounds of 3 minutes
Stick Overhead
Stick Baseball Bat Swing
Drill: put 1 stick per pair in the middle of the room; position the partners on either side of the room, lying on their stomachs. Yell "Go!" Both must try to get the stick. Once one person has the stick, he attacks with baseball bat or overhead swing. The other person must defend. Repeat several times, and change partners.