Straight Punches
Round Kick - include forward leg; include discussion of switch kick
Combo #1 and #2 with round kicks to tombstone pad
Headlock from Behind
Drill: groups of 3; defender makes Combos #1 and #2 to pad while moving around room; at any time, third person makes Headlock from Behind
Combo: Left/Right/Right Elbow #1
Combo: Left/Right/Left Elbow #1
Bearhug from Behind, Arms Free
Ground - Side Control Positions
Ground - Hip Escape from Side Control
Drill: groups of 3; defender makes non-stop strikes to tombstone pad; at any time, third person attacks with Bearhug from Behind, Arms Free; IF ATTACKER SAYS "DOWN!" the defender must allow themselves to be taken down (gently) and then escape from side control
Focus Mitts: Left/Right Elbow #6/Left Elbow #1
Focus Mitts: Left Upper/Right Elbow #1/Left Elbow #1
Plucking/Rowing Defense v. Medium Side Kick (against either leg)
Drill: attacker makes groin kick or medium side kick with forward leg
Knife - Forward Slash