Beginner Class (A3)
Movement- Fighting Stance Moving Forward, Left, Right, Back
Palm Heel strikes
Palm Heel Strikes from Mount Position
Drill: Movement, on instructor’s signal “Down”, non stop strikes from mount, on instructor’s signal “UP”, striker stands up and continues with Movement.
Choke from Front (2 handed)
Ground- Back Position
Ground- Front Kick
Intermediate Class (A3)
Defensive Front Kick
Defensive Front Kick with Advance
Drill: Eyes closed; pad holder gives a verbal signal and either walks over towards striker OR stands at a distance; striker makes the appropriate kick.
Defense v. Front Kick (stopping)
Partner Drill: Boxing Gloves; Defense v. Front Kick (stomping)/ Cross to the body/Hook to the head
Ground- Kick off from Guard
Advance Class (A3)
Thai Pads- 2 Rounds of 5 Minutes; 2 Kicks OR 2 Knees after every Combination
Quick Review: Inside Defenses with counters
General Def. v. Medium to high Kicks
Drill: Light Sparring
Stick-overhead defense
Stick- dead side