Palm Strikes
Drill: non-stop strikes on instructor's command, end each flurry with a sprawl
Round Kick
Combo #1 with Round Kick
Combo #2 with Round Kick
Choke from the Front (1 Hand Pluck)
Drill: Belt Drill -- 3 rounds each person, alt
Reflexive Defense v. Front Kick
Inside Defense with Counter v. Left
Inside Defense with Counter v. Right (2 counters)
Inside Defense with Counter v. Right (1 counter)
Drill: eyes closed, passive stance, react to any o the attacks above
Plucking/Rowing Defense v. Side Kick (use as part of warm up)
Sparring - hands and feet, 1 minute rounds
Drill: sparring as above; but one group closes it's eyes; in the other group, each person chooses a new partner and initiates the attack by pushing; the first person reacts and the fight begins
Gun from the Front, 2 Handed Technique
Gun from a Kneeling Position