Straight Punches
Knees (emphasize Muay Thai clinch)
Combo: Left/Right/Right Knee (no clinch)
Combo: Left/Right/Left Knee (no clinch)
Combo: Left/Right/thai clinch/Right Knee
Combo: Left/Right/thai clinch/Left Knee
Choke from Behind with a Push
Focus Mitts: Combo #8
Focus Mitts: Combo #9
Self Defense Review (basic chokes from Level 1)
Bearhug from Behind, Arms Free
Bearhug from Behind, Arms Caught
Drill: eyes closed, any bearhug from behind Or any choke defense OR basic striking to the pads (punches, knees, kicks, etc. until pad holder says "time!")
Thai Pads: Left/Right/step and pivot right/Left Round Kick
Thai Pads: Left/Right/Left Hook/step and pivot left/Right Round Kick
Self Defense Review (chokes, headlocks, bearhugs)
Basic Gun Review (all techniques your students know: gun from the front, gun to the side of the head, gun from behind, touching, gun to the side in front of the arm, etc.)
Drill: eyes closed, any self defense, striking pads, or gun threat, non-stop!