Lesson Plans Monday, August 2, 2021

John Whitman
August 2, 2021


Straight Punch with Advance

Groin Kick

Inside Defense

Drill: Partner A makes Straight Punch with advance; Partner B practices Inside Defense; at any time, a wandering attacker with a pad pushes Partner A; Partner A turns and makes groin kicks until pad holder calls "Time," the Partner A returns to making Straight Punches to Partner B.



Bearhug from Behind, Arms Free

Inside Defense with Counter v. Left Punch

Inside Defense with Counter v. Right Punch (1 and 2 counters)

Drill: defend and counter left or right punch

Drill: Partner A makes Straight Punch with advance; Partner B practices Inside Defense with Counter Attack; at any time, a wandering attacker makes Bearhug From Behind, Arms Free; Partner A defends, then returns to making Straight Punches to Partner B.



Focus Mitts: Combos 1-9

Sweep with Heel Kick

Focus Mitts: combos 1-9, sometimes pad holder calls "sweep" to end combo; defender sweeps pad holder (gently).

Front Kick with Advance - review, emphasize neutral stance

Gun from the Front, 2 handed technique; after the basic technique, add resistance from the attacker including trying to maintain gun control using the left hand, punching with the left hand, and moving around; defender must move his feet, keep chin tucked, and find opportunities for additional combatives before disarming.

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