Lesson Plans Monday, May 13, 2019

John Whitman
May 13, 2019


Straight Punches


Basic Clinch Defense (framing position for knees)

Drill: have the attacker push and move to fight through the framing position; defender must move feet to maintain control

Drill: non-stop straight punches; pad holder says "clinch" and moves forward; defender stops punching and controls, giving knees when possible; pad holder says "punch" and the defender begins to punch again

Choke From The Front With A Push



Focus Mitts: Combos 1-4 review

Slipping Straight Punches

Left/Right/slip left/Right/Left Hook

Right/Left Hook/slip right/Left Hook/Right

Ground - Guard Reversal (scissor sweep)



Thai Pads -- 3 rounds of 3 minutes

Gun From The Front

Gun From the Front, Attacker Pushing, Slapping, Kicking


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