Beginner (B2)
Left/Right Combination
Front Kick Groin
Drill: Groups of 2, one small shield, place the pad in the center of the room between the two partners, partners are on opposite sides of the room doing push ups facing way from the pad. On instructors signal "GO", get up quickly and sprint to grab a pad. The partner who grabs a pad first is holding, the other striking. Pad holders can either hold for front Kicks or punches. Strikers; fast and aggressive strikes until instructor calls "TIME". Repeat
Choke from Front (2-Handed)
Choke from Front with a Push
Choke from Behind
Drill: Groups of 4-5, one defender, non-stop attacks
Intermediate (B2)
Thai Pads- 2-2 min Rounds
Drill: Slow & Fast
Pad holder; call out a single strike for the striker to do, ie) Jab, Cross, Hook, Uppercut, Elbow
Striker; Double up on the technique called and make it SUPER powerful! Many times during the Round the instructor yells "Fast", striker; non stop fast, aggressive and powerful strikes, on instructor "Slow", back to power shots.
Ground- trap and roll
Ground- Elbow escape
Ground- def. v. Choke full mount
Advanced (B2)
Focus Mitts: 2- 5 minute rounds
Basic combinations, elbows, knees, Kicks & Sprawls
Light Sparring Drill: 2-2 Min Rounds
Round 1) 1 person defends/1 person Attacks
Punches & Kicks- Moving/Blocking- no counters
Round 2) Light Sparring- Kicks & Punches- Move/Defend and counter
Advanced testing Sparring Drill Sneak Peak!!
Tabata Sparring:
20 sec. rounds- 10 sec. rest- 1 person stays in for 4- 20 sec rounds, then Switch.
Advanced Gun- from side or behind, assailant using off hand