Straight Punches
Front Kick (groin)
Drill: groups of three; one pad holder holds for straight punches, the other for front kicks; the defender starts with punches; when the other pad holder hits him, he must turn and give front kicks; go back and forth until instructor calls time.
Knees - do knees with and without grabbing the attacker
Combo: Front Kick/Knee
Choke from Behind with a Push
Drill: eyes closed; attacker pushes with pad and holds for punches OR pushes with pad and holds for groin kicks OR makes Choke from Behind with a Push.
Focus Mitts: Left/Right/slip right/Right/sprawl
Focus Mitts:Left/Right/Left Hook/step and pivot/Right Straight Punch
Outside Slap Kick
Combo: Left Outside Slap Kick/Right Straight Punch (just for fun!)
Headlock from Behind (review) - work both sides!
Reverse Headlock Standing
Drill: two attackers; defender defends Reverse Headlock; while making counters, the second attacker makes Headlock from Behind with either arm
Gun from Behind (touching) - practice turning to either side
Drill: when the defender makes the defense, the attacker should pull back with the gun
Drill: when the defender defenders, the attacker should put his left hand up to try to block the defender's forward progress; this makes the defense a little awkward!
Knife Threat from Behind
Drills: do the same drills as above!