Straight Punches (or Palm/Heel Strikes)
Drill: 30 seconds non-stop punching, alternating with partner; 3 rounds each
Front Kick Vertical Target
Combination: Front Kick Vertical Target/Knee (use the same leg)
Drill: partner with pad moves around, gives commands for "Punch" or "Kick"; if punch, the defender punches non-stop until the pad holder calls "Time!" If kick, the defender makes Front Kick Vertical Target/Knee combination
Elbows #1 and #6; discussing using these elbows when the attacker moves in close
Drill: as above, but the pad holder also says "Elbow" and steps forward; the defender gives Elbow #1 or #6
Wrist Releases
Back Kick
Defensive Back Kick with a Spin
Ground - Side Control - basic positions for control
Ground - Side Control - hip escape
Drill: bottom person tries hip escape with 50% effort; top person must control
Ground - Americana Arm Lock
Focus Mitts: 2 rounds of 3 minutes
Double Leg Takedown
Headlock Side, Spinning Inward
Headlock Side, Neck Break