Straight Punch with Advance
Straight Punch Low
Hammerfist to the Side
Drill: “Monkey in the Middle” – groups of 4; one person in the middle; one pad holder hits the defender from the side and the defender must turn with a hammerfist, then continue striking until another pad holder strikes him, etc.
Inside Defense
Inside Defense v. Straight Punch Low
Drill: defend high and low, right punch only
Drill: defend high and low, left punch only
Drill: defend high and low, left or right
Combative Combinations to Large Shield
– Left/Right/Front Kick Vertical Target
– Right/Left Knee
– Left/Right/Right Elbow/Right Knee
Pull Arm – burst forward and counter attack
Hair Grab from the Side
Ground – Elbow Escape
Drill: pulled by arm or hair; defender makes hair grab defense BUT if the attacker yells “down!” the defender must act as though they have been dragged to the ground; attacker takes full mount, defender defends.
Spinning Heel Kick
Defense v. Spinning Heel Kick (stopping)
Defense v. Spinning Heel Kick (sliding)
Long Gun – Dead Side