Lesson Plans Wednesday, September 26, 2012 (Yom Kippur)

John Whitman
September 26, 2012


Review basic combatives (straight punches/front kicks/knees/round kicks)
30 seconds left/right punch
10 seconds rest
30 seconds front kicks
10 seconds rest
30 seconds knees
10 seconds rest
30 seconds round kicks
10 seconds rest
x 2

Hammerfist to the Side
Drill: Monkey in the Middle with Push ups -- the defender begins by striking one pad; when he is hit by a different padholder, he turns with hammerfist to the side, and continues with combatives. At any time, the instructor yells "Down!" and the defender does 10 pushups while being struck lightly with the pads, then gets up and continues.

Choke Behind with a Push (if time)


Review basic combatives (straight punches/front kicks/knees/round kicks)
30 seconds left/right punch
10 seconds rest
30 seconds front kicks
10 seconds rest
30 seconds knees
10 seconds rest
30 seconds round kicks
10 seconds rest
x 3

Bearhug From Behind, Finger Leverage

Drill: Monkey in the Middle with Push ups -- the defender begins by striking one pad; when he is hit by a different padholder, he turns with hammerfist to the side, and continues with combatives. One attacker with no pad can make Bearhug From Behind (the defender should make finger leverage). At any time, the instructor yells "Down!" and the defender does 10 pushups while being struck lightly with the pads, then gets up and continues.

Review basic combatives (straight punches/front kicks/knees/round kicks)
30 seconds left/right punch
10 seconds rest
30 seconds front kicks
10 seconds rest
30 seconds knees
10 seconds rest
30 seconds round kicks
10 seconds rest
x 3

Knife Upward Stab

Drill: Monkey in the Middle with Push ups -- the defender begins by striking one pad; when he is hit by a different padholder, he turns with hammerfist to the side, and continues with combatives. One attacker with no pad can make Knife Upward Stab. At any time, the instructor yells "Down!" and the defender does 10 pushups while being struck lightly with the pads, then gets up and continues.

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