Lesson Plans Wednesday, September 19, 2012

John Whitman
September 19, 2012

NOTE ON THESE LESSONS: This set of lessons leans a little more heavily toward the "Fighting Injured" theme. If that doesn't suit your current needs, please refer to any previous lesson plan. Even if you aren't doing a "Fighting Injured" theme, I recommend the ice training described below!

Elbow #1
Elbow #6
Headbutts (advanced training from Level 3)
Combo: Right Elbow/Headbutt/Knee
Choke Front (2 hands) emphasize plucking with wrists, not fingers!
Headlock Behind
Fighting Injured: tape fingers into balls so you cannot use fingers to grab. Make Choke Front or Headlock Behind as best as you can with limited mobility!

Elbow #1
Elbow #6
Headbutts (advanced training from Level 3)
Combo: Right Elbow/Headbutt/Knee
Hair Grab from the Front
Hair Grab from the Side
Fighting Injured: tape fingers into balls so you cannot use fingers to grab. Make Hair Grab defenses and counter as possible with limited mobility
Gun Front
Fighting Injured: soak hands in ICE for about two minutes, then try gun defense immediately!

Gun Front
Fighting Injured: tape hands to fingers of right hand are immobile. Make Gun Front; do your best to trap the gun with your right forearm instead of your right hand; continue with counters.
Gun Behind at a Distance
Fighting Injured: soak hands in ICE for about two minutes, then try gun defense immediately!
Gun from Behind at a Distance

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