Beginner (B2)
Intro to Thai Pads
Round 1: 1-4 as palm strikes
Round 2: Add 1elbow-4elbow, 1knee-4knee
Round 3: Round 2 + on padholder’s call of “CLINCH!” add 4 clinch knees
Headlock from Behind
Drill: Groups of 3; 1 thai pad holder; 1 attacker; 1 striker/defender. Defender making combinations from Round 3 on pad holder's call. Attacker can apply Headlock from Behind at any time. Defender makes defense and returns to pads.
Intermediate (D2)
Defense v. Hook
Defense v. Uppercut
Partner drills; both partners wearing gloves and shin guards; using gloves like focus mitts
Round 1: Back and forth, 6-10
Round 2: A throws a combo from Round 1 at B, who is shelled up. B responds with a jab or a cross. A defends by inside defense, and comes back (light contact) with any 3-4 combatives. Switch roles on instructor’s call after 2 minutes.
Round 3: Now B can respond with a hook or straight punch. 2 minutes then switch
Round 4: B can respond with a straight punch, hook, or uppercut. 2 minutes then switch
Defense v. High Round Kick (2 and 3 points)
Defense v. High Round Kick (covering)
Round 5: A throws a combo from Round 1 at B, but B responds with a High Round Kick. Switch roles on instructor's call after 2 minutes.
Round 6: A throws a combo from Round 1 at B, B can respond with a straight punch, hook, uppercut, or High Round Kick
Final rounds: Isolation 3-step sparring. A makes three combatives: a straight punch, hook, uppercut, or High Round Kick at B. B defends against all three combatives and then makes three of the above combatives at A. Back and forth, switch partners as time permits.
Advanced (D2)
Frame-hold knees (driving pad holder back ; proper footwork)
Defensive Front Kick (quick review)
Advancing front kick
2 Front Kicks with a Switch
2 straight Knees with a Switch
Drill: Drive partner back with the following combatives from one end of the mat to the other, then partner groups jog back together to the starting side and switch pad: Frame-hold knees, Advancing front kick, 2 Front Kicks with a Switch (Defensive Front Kick in between to create distance), 2 straight Knees with a Switch (Defensive Front Kick in between to create distance)
=Knife – kick from distance
Knife – defense v. downward stab
Drill: Ground, Pound, and Stab. Wearing a belly pad, A is at one end of the room with curved kick shield and knife. B is at other side of mat, eyes closed. A performs 30 Ground and Pound strikes on kick shield then picks up knife and sprints to B. A decides when to offer a verbal cue to B to open their eyes, or can choose to begin stabs with training knife to chest. If B has time, B should kick defense from a distance against the knife. Otherwise, B performs Defense v. Downward Stab. Repeat for time before switching.