Lesson Plans Wednesday, May 3, 2017

John Whitman
May 2, 2017


Knees w/ Clinch

DRILL: Find Your Partner

Groups of 2, Striker, Padholder. Padholder positions somewhere around room. On “GO!” Striker locates, runs to and sends all out knees to Pad. On “RESET!” Striker goes to neutral and Pad finds new location.

Basic Takedown Defense


Same as above, but switch who moves. So Striker finds spot in room. On “GO!” Pad locates, runs to and attempts to touch pad to hips. Striker defends and sends burst of Knees. On “RESET!” Striker finds new location.

Headlock Rear

Groups of 3, Defender, Padholder, Attacker, scattered around room. On “GO!” Striker locates, runs to and sends all out knees to Pad. On “ATTACK!” Attacker runs to Defender and applies Headlock Rear. On “RESET!” everyone scatters around room.




Hook Defense - Extended

Hook Defense - Covering

DRILL1: Defense Chain

Groups of 2, gloves on. One person goes first sending a series of 3 Hooks with the forward hand. The other person defends each Hook by Covering, then Extending, then Bob/Weave. After coming out of the Bob/Weave, the defender sends a series of 3 Hooks with the rear hand… Both continue to alternate back and forth for time. Do another round with the other person sending 3 forward Hooks to work both sides.

DRILL2: Hook Sparring

Groups of 2, gloves on. Alternate back and forth, each getting to send one Hook, left or right, and the other person sending any defense.

Headlock Reverse (Guillotine)

Groups of 2, Defender, Attacker (gloves on). Defenders neutral, eyes closed. Attacker locates, starts sending all out Hooks. Defender covers and rides out strikes. Attacker eventually applies Headlock Reverse. Defend appropriately and reset.



Mouth of Hand Punch


Mouth of Hand Punch + Hammerfist Down + Clinch/Knee Burst


Groups of 3, Striker, Padholder, Attacker. Striker neutral, eyes closed. Pad standing in front. Attacker positions somewhere nearby. On “GO!” Striker opens eyes, sends Mouth of Hand, Clinches and orients to stack Pad between Attacker. Attacker attempts to tag Striker’s shoulder until “RESET!” cue.

Sweep with Heel Kick


Mouth of Hand Punch + Hammerfist Down + Clinch/Knee Burst + Sweep

NOTE: Padholders should not wrap wrists through pad handles to allow hand free for Fall Break

Knife - Kick from Distance


Group of 3, Defender, Padholder, Attacker with Knife. Striker neutral, eyes closed. Attacker standing in front. Padholder positions somewhere nearby. On “GO!” Striker opens eyes, sends Knife - Kick from Distance, runs to Pad, Clinch/Knee Burst + Sweep, then run to designated “EXIT” and resets.

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