Introduce focus mitts
Palm heel strike
Elbow 1
Round 1: Mitt holder calls a number between 1 and 4, Striker throws that many palm heel strikes beginning with lead hand
Round 2: Mitt holder can also call 1Elbow, 2Elbow, etc. and Striker will throw the called number of palm heel strikes and finish with an elbow, i.e. 2Elbow= lead palm/rear palm/lead elbow
Drill: Find your partner: Mitt holder and Striker repeat calls from previous round. At any time, instructor can call “DOWN” and Striker does a push-up while Mitt holder sprints to a different spot in the room. Striker must find them and do 2 hard palm heel strikes and a burpee until instructor calls “TIME!” Drill resets.
Choke from the Front with a Push
Ground – Back Position
Ground – Getting Up
Drill: A/B Drill. Attackers can apply Choke from the Front with a Push OR give a shove with pad and call “DOWN.” Defender gets safely into ground position and tracks Attacker, then gets up for nonstop palm strikes until Attacker calls “TIME”
Thai Pads
Round 1: Basic combinations with kicks and knee
Round 2: Add Basic Takedown Defense/spinning on centerline
360 with Counterattacks
Defense v. High Round Kick (covering)
Drill: Defend haymaker using 360 with Counterattacks or Defense v. High Round Kick (covering)
Drill: Non-compliant attacker: After defending haymaker or High Round Kick, Attacker can mimic takedown, forcing Defender to make Basic Takedown Defense
Mouth of Hand Punch
Drill: Target recognition on pad: 2 hand combatives, Front Kick Groin to Mouth of Hand Punch, Front Kick to a Vertical Target/Defensive Front Kick/Knee, Round Kick
Drill: Shared interval round: Partners switch pad every 15 seconds for 4 minutes. Max combatives as hard and fast as possible with the following
-Hand combatives (switch)
-Front Kick groin (switch)
-Knees (switch)
-2 round kicks right, 2 round kicks left
Gun from Behind (touching)
Advanced Gun – from the side or behind, assailant using off hand
Drill: A/B Drill with Gun from Behind (touching) or Advanced Gun – from the side or behind, assailant using off hand