Front Kick Vertical Target
DRILL: Strike + Exercise
Groups of 2, Striker, Padholder. Strikers sends a FKVT and 1 burpee, then FKVT + 2 burpees, repeat up to 5 burpees, then work back from 5-1.
Knees w/ Clinch
Takedown Defense (changing height, moving feet)
Groups of 2, Striker, Attacker/Padholder. Defenders eyes closed, neutral stance. Attacker setups up at some distance from Defender. On instructor’s “OPEN!” eyes open and Attacker attempts to shoot in (in this case touch pad to Defender’s hips). Defender opens, defends takedown and sends a Knee burst until “RESET!”
360 Defense (Upper only, if time is limited)
DRILL: Alternating SLOW Work
Groups of 2. One sends an upper 360, Defender either blocks and follows up with a series of strikes OR sends FKVT and follows with series of strikes. NOTE: Speed/power of strikes should be low enough that strikes should actually make contact without harm.
Groups of 2, Striker, Attacker/Padholder. Defenders eyes closed, neutral stance. Attacker setups up at some distance from Defender. On instructor’s “OPEN!” eyes open and Attacker attempts to shoot in (in this case touch pad to Defender’s hips), send 360, or hold for FKVT. Defender opens, and defends/strikes appropriately and resets.
Defense vs. Low Round Kick (Absorbing)
Defense vs. Low Round Kick (Shin Block)
Defense vs. Front Kick (Redirect)
Defense vs. Front Kick (Stopping)
Groups of 2, Attacker, Defender. Attacker works through the list above, sending one attack for each defense. After working through one time, Defender switches stance and works defenses in opposite stance. After Defender has worked through both times, switch roles.
30s rounds legs only. Multiple rounds, rotate partners.
30s rounds full sparring. Multiple rounds, rotate partners.
Ground - Headlock from the Side Forward
Ground - Headlock from the Side Backward
Groups of 2, Attacker, Defender. Defender begins in Ground Side Headlock. Defender attempts to gain dominant position. Switch positions each round.
Focus Mitt combos from opposite fighting stance.
Groups of 2, Striker, Padholder, at one end of the gym. On “GO!” Strikers send all out Straight Punches. On “SWITCH!” Strikers switch stance and continue striking. On “RUN!” Striker runs to opposite end of gym and back to pads. Repeat for several rounds.
Gun Front
Groups of 3, Defender/Striker, Padholder, Attacker. Striker sends strikes to pad. Attacker comes from behind Padholder pointing gun at Defender. Make defense and return to striking.
Advanced - 3rd Party Gun Front
Groups of 3, Defender/Striker, Padholder, Attacker. Striker sends strikes to pad. Attacker, standing behind Striker, cues to “RUN!” Striker runs forward, passed Padholder to whatever wall is directly in front of him/her. As Striker is running, Attacker points gun at Padholder. Upon running back, Striker defends Padholder, then returns striking.