Palm Heel Strike
Drill: Sprint- Push up drill
Palm Heel Strike combo: Left/Left/Right/Left/Right
Hammerfist to the side
Choke from Behind
Drill: groups of 4; monkey in the middle with two pad holders; defender makes hammerfists and Palm Heel strikes; now and then, the fourth person does Choke from Behind.
Combo #6 (Left Hook/Right Cross/Left Hook) – emphasize bursting in on first hook
Headbutt Forward
Headbutt Side
Headlock from the Side (include headbutts in counters)
Bearhug from the Front, Arms caught (include headbutts in counters)
Drill: eyes closed, Bearhug Front or Headlock Side
Thai Pads: 3 rounds of 3 minutes: first round, include sprawl; second round, include sprawl and striking with the pad (striker covers), third round, include sprawl and striking, every kick is doubled
Knife Downward Stab
Knife Threat
Drill: eyes closed, open on command, recognize Downward Stab v. Knife Threat