Straight Punches
Drill: Belt Drill
Advancing Straight Punch
Advanced Technique: Gun from the Front
Defensive Front Kick
Hook Punch
Drill: practice hook punch at various ranges from very close to full extension
Combo #7: Left Hook/Right Cross/Left Hook
Bearhug Front Arms Free, Neck Leverage
Drill: eyes closed; attacker may hold for Defensive Front Kick OR Hook Punch OR make an attack with Bearhug From the Front Arms Free
Focus Mitts: Opposite stance -- Right/Left/move out/burst in with Right/Left Again
Knife Downward Stab - emphasis on disarms
Knife Upward Stab - emphasis on disarms
Drill: two attackers; first attacker uses knife; defender makes the defense and attempts to disarm and use the knife to defend himself against the second attacker, who also has a knife.