Lesson Plans Tuesday, June 22, 2021

John Whitman
June 22, 2021


WARMUP - DRILL: Follow the Leader 1

Grps 2, Leader, Follower. Line up facing each other. Follower attempts to stay maintain distance from Leader as Leader moves.

Movement-Fighting Stance

-Forward, Back, Left, Right



DRILL: Follow the Leader 2

Grps 2, Padholder, Striker. Striker attempts to maintain distance as Padholder moves. On “HIT!” cue from Padholder, Striker sends a 1-2 Combo, bursting if necessary.

Straight Punch Low

Straight Punch Low Defense

DRILL: Should Tag w/ Defense

Grps 2, Attacker, Defender. Attacker attempts to tag shoulders or stomach. Defender uses 360/Straight Low Defense to block.

Choke Front- 1 Hand Pluck


Grps 2, Padholder, Striker, + Assign rotate a group to be roaming attackers. Grps 2 work previous drill. Roaming attackers apply choke. Defend and return to drill.



Defensive Front Kick (Review)


Grps 2, Padholder, Striker. Striker sends DFK then burst forward with additional (4-6) strikes and resets.

Back Kick


Same as above, but Padholder can cue for DFK or Back Kick. After kick, Striker orients for additional strikes as necessary.

Hair Grab - Rear

Choke Rear w/ Pull

DRILL - FINAL: Roaming Attacker

Defenders neutral, eyes closed. Attacker applies either Hair Grab or Choke Rear w/ Pull. Defend and reset.



Inside Defenses w/ Counter (Review)

Knife - Straight Stab (Review)

Bayonet Stab, Live and Dead Side

Bayonet Stab, Dead Side (Clothesline)


Grps 2, Attacker, Defender. Defender neutral, eyes closed. Attacker gives verbal cue, sending any frontal attack from above. Defend and reset.

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