Shadow Boxing: Left/Right
Shadow Boxing: Left/Right/Right Knee
Shadow Boxing: Left/Right/Left Knee (introduce idea of switching feet)
Basic Takedown Defense
Ground - Kick from Ground
Ground - Get Up from Ground
Drill: Kick, Get Up, then make combination to pad as the attacker advances
Focus Mitts: Combo # 6 (right cross/left hook/right cross)
Focus Mitts: Combo # 7 (left hook/right cross/left hook)
Forward Roll
Drill: attacker with pad stands behind defender; attacker pushes defender, who makes a forward roll and turns to face attacker; attacker advances holding for front kick to the groin, and defender kicks. TO MADE THE DRILL HARDER, have the attacker hold for either straight punches or groin kick. TO MAKE THE DRILL EVEN HARDER, make the defender do forward roll over a small object.
Ax Kick
Defend Ax Kick - similar to defending round kick (2 pts of contact), but at a more upward angle; roll the kick off to the side as it makes contact.
Gun from the Front