Beginner Class (A1)
Warm Up: “Krav Maga Tango” (Fighting Stance facing partner @ punching range); 1 partner leads, other follows, Leader takes a step in any direction, wait for partner to respond by getting back in range
Front Kick Groin
Quick Drill: “Krav Maga Tango”; include punches and Groin Kicks
Drill: “Find the threat”
-Striker lies face-down on mat covering eyes
-Pad holder moves to a random location in the room
-Instructor yells, “GO”
-Striker must locate pad holder, sprint to them, deliver groin kick followed by a brief broken flurry
-Instructor calls, “TIME! Reset!”
Choke from Front (2 Handed)
Drill: 3-4 people (1 defender, 1 attacker for choke, 1-2 attacker(s) w/ tombstones)
Defender’s eyes shut, attacker chokes defender. Defender does 2 hand defense. Once defender reaches control position tombstone attacker gets defender’s attention and calls for groin kick followed by broken flurry punches. Defender resets & repeats.
Intermediate Class (A1)
Front Kick w/Advance (neutral & fighting stance)
Hook Punch
Drill: “Hit first, hit hard”; Pad holder holds focus mitts for advancing groin kick
Striker performs advancing groin kick followed by Cross-Hook-Cross (or Hook-Cross-Hook) combination (Safety-in-Training: Advancing groin strike must be light to protect pad holder’s wrists and hands from injury) Pad holder moves just out of range, process repeats
Bearhug from front (arm caught & free)
Drill: 3-4 people (1 defender, 1 attacker for bear-hug, 1-2 attacker(s) w/ focus mitts),
Defender’s eyes shut (standing w/ hands on hips like Peter Pan), attacker bear-hugs defender from front (either arms trapped or free). Defender does bear-hug defense; Once defender reaches control position focus mitt attacker gets defender’s attention and calls for advancing groin kick followed by combinations described above. Defender resets & repeats.
Advanced Class (A1)
Shadow Boxing: 2 rounds of 2 minutes (opposite stance)
2 rounds of 3 minutes of focus mitts (or Thai pads)
-1-minute regular stance
-2-minutes switch stance
-30-seconds rest between rounds
Gun from the Side- in front of the arm (both sides)
Drill: “Friend OR Foe?”
Groups of 5-8 people; 1 defender, 4-7 attackers with guns tucked in waistbands (easy draw location). Defender stands in middle of mat as attackers walk randomly within in 8’ or less of defender; 1 by 1, each attacker takes turns “bumping” into defender (as if on busy sidewalk). Upon bumping into defender, attacker either extends a hand for a handshake (friend) or pulls a gun and put it to defender’s side in front of arm (foe); Attackers should add in constant verbal chatter to confuse and disorient defender. Safety-in-Training: “Bump” does NOT mean “body check” or “knock down”. Be careful of accidental head-butts. Defender must identify threat/non-threat and respond appropriately