Lesson Plans Tuesday, February 28, 2023

John Whitman
February 28, 2023

Straight Punch with Advance
Straight Punch with Retreat
Round Kick
Drill: 1 pad holder; 1 striker. Partners make two lines at one end of the mat. Striker makes Straight Punch with Advance all the way up the mat. On reaching the end, Striker makes 2 round kicks right, 2 round kicks left, then Straight Punch with Retreat all the way back, finishing in a sprawl. Partners switch and attempt to get maximum rounds in 2 minutes.
Ground – Side Position
Ground – Side Kick
Drill: Half the class has curved kick shields. Students randomly scatter the pads across mat. On instructor's call of "GO!" students begin running in random directions anywhere on mat. On instructor's call of "DOWN!" students who touch a curved kick shield first get to throw Ground and Pound strikes and students who didn't get a pad must do burpees until instructor calls "TIME!" at which point students doing burpees get in Ground – Side Position. Students with pad make a verbal cue to a student in Side Position and come in for Side Kick from the Ground. Drill resets with everyone back to running immediately after Side Kick is made.

Defense v. High Round Kick (2 and 3 points)
Defense v. High Round Kick (covering)
Thai Pads and Shin guards: 3 minute rounds
Round 1: Basic combinations + Pad holder can throw a High Round Kick at any time. Striker defends by 2 or 3 point block OR covering.
Round 2: Same as Round 1 + counters. If high round kick is to Striker's rear side, Striker counters with a 6 (cross/hook/cross). If high round kick is to Striker's lead side, Striker counters with a 7 (lead hook/cross/lead hook).
**Note: have students keep shin guards on for the remainder of class to ease transition into final drill.**
Inside Defense v. Straight Punch Low (quick review)
Reverse Headlock Standing
Drill: A and B are touching shoulders. A can attack B with Straight Punch Low. If A touches B's stomach, B gets in position and A applies Reverse Headlock Standing. B defends and both students return to the drill.
Final Drill: Same as previous drill but now A can attack B with High Round Kick as well.

Thai Pads
Round 1: Free work
Round 2: Add sprawl
Round 3: Opposite stance
Knife – defense v. straight stab
Knife – defense v. forward slash
Half the class has curved kick shields and the other half has a knife. Students randomly scatter the pads and knives across mat. On instructor's call of "GO!" students begin running in random directions anywhere on mat. On instructor's call of "DOWN!" students who touch a curved kick shield first get to throw Ground and Pound strikes and students who didn't get a pad must do burpees until instructor calls "TIME!" at which point students return to running. Instructor will also call "KNIFE!" Students who get to a knife get to be attackers using Straight Stab or Forward Slash, and those who could not grab a knife in time stand in neutral to be attacked.

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