Lesson Plans Tuesday, August 2, 2022

John Whitman
August 1, 2022


Advancing Straight Punch


Groups of 2, Striker, Padholder. Begin facing each other within punching range. When Padholder steps back, Striker advances strikes, and sends a Straight burst until Padholder cues to “RESET!”

Inside Defenses

Movement (Pivoting)*

*After practicing, add a forward burst and 90 degree pivot to the Inside Defense.

Headlock Rear


Groups of 2, Attacker, Defender. Attacker sends Straight Punches for defense. Select groups to wander and attack the ATTACKER of the other groups with Headlock Rear. Defend and return to Straight Punch attacks.



Defensive Front Kick


Groups of 3, Striker, Pad1, Pad2. Striker sends all out strikes to Pad1. Pad2 approaches from around either side of Pad1. Striker sends Defense Front Kick and returns to striking Pad1.

Ground - Kick off from Guard


Groups of 3, Striker, Pad1, Pad2. Same drill as above, however Pad2 can approach for DFK or cue Striker “DOWN!” into Ground Position. Pad2 then dives into Striker’s guard and pins chest to chest. Striker must Kick Off and return to striking.

Ground - Foot Grab Stripping

Ground - Spin Inward (if time)

Ground - Spin Outward (if time)


Groups of 3, Striker, Pad1, Pad2. Same drill as above, however Pad2 can approach for DFK or cue Striker “DOWN!” into Ground Position. Pad2 then dives into Striker’s guard and pins chest to chest. Striker must Kick Off and return to striking.



Mouth of Hand Punch

Overhand Right Punch


Overhand Right + Pad moves back/Striker advances + Mouth of Hand Punch + Burst of Strikes

2 Straight Knees w/ Switch

Gun Behind - Touching

DRILL - FINAL: Roaming Attackers

Groups of 3, Striker, Padholder, Attacker. Striker sends Combo above. Attackers roam, pressing gun into any Striker’s back for defense.

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