Beginner Class (A3)
Movement- Fighting Stance Moving Forward, Left, Right, Back
Palm Heel Strike
Palm Heel Strike- Mount Position
Drill: Groups of 2, 2 Large shields, Striker; mount position, non-stop Palm Heel Strikes, on instructors signal “UP!”, striker gets up and delivers non-stop Knees to the pad, once the instructor says “DOWN!”, striker mounts the pad once again and delivers non-stop Palm Heel strikes.
Choke from Behind
Advanced-Gun from Behind
Drill: Groups of 3, 2 large shields, Striker; mount position, non-stop Palm Heel strikes on instructors signal “UP!”, striker gets up and delivers non-stop Knees to the pad, attacker; attacks with either a Choke from Behind or Gun from Behind. Defender; makes the appropriate defense and gets right back to mount position and continues with Palm Heel Strikes.
Intermediate Class (C3)
3 Round Drill- opposite stance
Heel Kick
Combo: Heel Kick (forward leg)/turn and face pad/Cross/Knee (both sides)
Outside Defense 1-5
Hair Grab Front
Advanced- Gun to the Side, Front of Arm
Drill: Groups of 3; eyes closed; defend either Hair Grab Front or Gun from the Side, while defender is defending, pad holder bumps defender with the pad, defender must turn and attack the pad with non-stop strikes until pad holder calls time. Reset.
Advanced Class (C3)
Conditioning Drill: 30 seconds- Punches/30 seconds- Round Kicks/30 seconds- Knees
Light Contact Sparring- 2 rounds of 90 seconds
Knife- Kick from distance
Knife- defense v. downward stab
Drill: Groups of 2, one Knife; Light Contact sparring (open hands), anytime during the sparring match, partner with the Knife makes a downward stab from close or from a distance. Defender makes the appropriate defense and reset.