Straight Punch with Advance (quick lesson)
Inside Defense
Inside Defense v. Straight Punch Low
Ground – Side Position
Ground – Side Kick
Ground – Get Up from Side
Drill: defender makes Inside Defense; puncher can also yell “Down!” and defender must drop down into a Ground Side Position, give a kick to the air, and get back up
Focus Mitts: Combo #6, add movement to right after the cross
Focus Mitts: combo #7, add movement to left after the hook
Outside Defenses 1-5
Bearhug Front (lifting)
Choke Front Against Wall
Drill “Back To The Wall”: defender stands with back to wall, eyes closed; attacker either gives a verbal signal and makes a straight punch from any angle OR makes Choke Front Against Wall
Combination #8, then shuffle right
Combination #9, then step/pivot left
Baseball Bat
Baseball Bat v. Left Handed attacker or Right Handed Backhand