Straight Punch Review
Drill: eyes closed; pad holder pushes; defender recovers and makes Right Punch; emphasize moving to the right after the punch, away from the opponent's power.
Basic Takedown Defense - after lesson, emphasize doing the technique with left arm framing attacker's left side and left foot back; include knees
Drill: eyes closed; pad holder pushes; defender recovers and makes Right Punch and moves right; attacker moves forward; defender frames and gives knees
Choke from the Front (2 Hands)
Drill: defender makes Choke from the Front; after the counterattacks, the attacker moves in again; defender frames and gives knees
Focus Mitts: Combo #3/slip right punch/Left Hook/Right Cross
Focus Mitts: Combo #4/slip left punch/Right Cross/Left Hook
Ground - Backward Roll
Ground - Headlock from the Side, Forward
Ground - Headlock from the Side, Backward
Round Kick Review
Jumping Round Kick
Headlock from the Side (review)
Headlock from the Side, Spinning Inward
Headlock from the Side, Neck Break