Lesson Plans Thursday, January 11, 2024

John Whitman
January 11, 2024

Warmup Drill:
Strikers eyes closed. PH cues with pad push, causing to step back. Gain balance, burst in with straight punches.
Front Kick Vertical Target
Wrist Releases

Drill: Roaming Attacker
Multiple padholders, some with FM on right hand, others right. Defenders eyes closed. PH cues by grabbing wrist, either grabbing lightly or HARD! If light, apply release, if HARD, send strikes to focus mitt.

Side Choke

Final Drill:
Groups of 2 alternate between applying/defending various wrist releases. Roaming attackers apply side choke to either person.

Forward/Backward Rolls
Grps of 2. PH + Striker. Striker begins at one pad, all out combative based on instructor cue. Instructor cues for forward or back roll. Striker performs and PH follows. Striker gets up and sends next combative.

Thai Pad Round Kick Review
Defense vs. Low Round Kick (absorb)
Defense vs. Low Round Kick (shin block)

Same as above but PH can cue for Thai Pad combo or send RHK for defenses. Roll on cue.

Side Headlock OR Light Sparring A/B. Instructor cues letter and forward/backward for roll. Partner chases, after roll, continue sparring.

Thai Pad Combos:
PH cues “switch” causing striker to switch fighting stance. Alternate stances on cue.

Jumping Round House Kick
Cavaliers 1-4
Knife - Downward, Upward and Straight Stab (emphasize cavaliers, but build intensity)

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