Straight Punches
Combos 1-4 with knees to tombstone pads (use straight punches instead of hooks for # 3 and 4)
Ground - Back Position, Kick, Get Up
Choke from Behind with a Push
Drill: attacker makes Choke From Behind With A Push; defender defends; at any time during attack, the attacker might say "Down!" The defender must drop down, turn into Ground Fight Position; kick, and get up.
Thai Pads: Combos 6 and 7 with round kicks
Defense v. High Round Kicks (2 or 3 points of contact)
Drill: defend high round kick, add 2 counterattacks
Bearhug Behind, Arms Free
Drill: groups of three; one person makes high round kicks; second person defends; third person makes bearhug from behind, arms free, against kicker at any time.
Thai Pads: Left Kick/Right/Left Hook OR Right Kick/Left Hook/Right
Thai Pads: Right/Left Hook/Right Kick OR Left Hook/Right/Left Kick
Knife - Kick v. Downward or Upward Stab, left- or right-handed attacker
Drill: kick v. knife, then pick up a shield (pad) to block and counter
Knife - Upward Stab v. Left or Right Handed Attacker
Drill: eyes closed, attacker gives verbal signal; kick or use hand defenses v. upward stab, left or right handed attacker