Lesson Plans Thursday, December 7, 2016

John Whitman
December 7, 2016

Beginner (B3)
Left/Right Combintion
Round Kick (also work switch round kick)
Drill: Thai Pads- 2-3 minute rounds, straight punch combinations with round kicks, add sprawls in the second round
Choke from Front
Choke from Side
Choke from Behind
Drill: Monkey in the Middle- Groups of 5; One defender, non-stop attacks

Intermediate (D3)
Thai Pads- 3-2 minute rounds
Round 1- Left/Right/Right Elbow/Left hook to the body/Right Cross
Round 2- Add- Bob and weave/Left hook/Right Cross/Left Round Kick
Round 3- Put both combos together!
Choke from Behind with a pull
Hair Grab Behind
Drill: Groups of 3; Defender; works combinations on Thai Pads, Attacker; attack with Choke from Behind OR Hair Grab Behind

Advanced (D3)
Jumping Spinning Back Kick
Jumping Spinning Heel Kick
Inside Defense with counters
Buck trap roll (quick review)
Elbow escape (quick review)
Hip Throw
Slow Sparring- 1-2 min round- Open Hands, light contact
Drill: Slow Sparring with Hip throw- 2-2 min rounds- A's & B's
Round 1- A's are the Aggressors- Open hands, light contact sparring, on instructors signal "Down" A's are taking their partner (safely) down with a hip throw and quickly mounting them, B's must work to gain a better position, quickly get up on their feet and continue with Slow sparring.
Round 2- B's are now the Aggressors- Same drill as above.

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