Beginner (A2)
Punches- L/R Combination
Round Kick- Emphasize Switch Round Kick
Muay Thai Pads:
First Combo- L/R Combination/Switch Round Kick (Left Leg)
Second Combo- R/Left Combination/Round Kick (Right Leg)
Third Combo- L/R combination/switch round kick/R/L Combination/Round Kick
Choke from Front (1 hand)
Ground Side Position
Ground Movement
Get Up from Ground from Side Position- both sides
Drill: Kick and Get up, then either punch pad or defend choke
Intermediate (C2)
Drill: Upside Down Pyramid!
Fast, Strong and Super Aggressive!
45 sec- Non- Punches, Elbows & Headbutts
10 sec Rest
35 Sec- Non- Stop POWER Round kicks (both legs)
10 sec Rest
20 Sec- Non-Stop knee Strikes
10 Sec Rest
20 Sec- Non- Stop Front Kicks- Groin (both legs)
10 Sec Rest
35 Sec- Non- Stop Knee strikes
10 Sec Res
45 Sec-Non- Punches, Elbows & Headbutts
Defensive Front Kick
Combination- defensive front kick/Left/Right punches/2 knees
Ground- getting up (quick review)
Ground- foot grab, strip
Ground- foot grab, spin inward
Ground- foot grab, spin outward
Barricade Drill: defender starts on the ground with eyes closed; foot is grabbed, and he must make the appropriate defense and get up; then he must go through a barricade of pep[;e with pads; after he gets through, he makes a defensive front kick followed by 6 knees
Advanced (C2)
2 Front Kicks with a Switch
2 Straight knees with a Switch
Knife – off angle upward stab (live and dead side)
Knife – off angle downward stab (live and dead side)
Knife – off angle straight stab (live and dead side)
Drill: Groups of 4-5; one defender, 10 Burpees, 30 seconds non-stop strikes from mount, then get up and defend non-stops attacks, Level 1, 2 & 3, plus Knife.[nz_popup message="Your popup message goes here" color="" /]