Straight Punch
Drill: Tabata Punches, 6 rounds
Straight Punch Low
Inside Defense
Inside Defense v. Straight Punch Low
Drill: defend left punch high or low
Drill: defend right punch high or low
Drill: defend left or right, high or low
Hook Punch
Focus Mitts: Combo #4/cover against right hook/Combo #6
Focus Mitts: Combo #3/cover against left hook/Combo #7
Choke from Behind (review)
Choke from Behind with a Pull
Drill: Choke From Behind, static or with pull
Thai Pads: Right/Combo #9/Right Round
Thai Pads: Left/Combo #8/Left Round
Gun from Behind at a Distance (attacker's left hand grabbing back of LEFT shoulder)
Note: for the techniques below, have the attacker's left hand grab the back of the defender's RIGHT shoulder, nullifying the technique above.
Machine Gun Takedown - lifting variation
Machine Gun Takedown - face grab variation