Beginner (B3)
Straight Punches
Left/Right Combination
Round Kick
Choke from the side
Drill: A/B drill. Group A defends, Group B attacks. Defenders starts with eyes closed. Attackers either choke from the side or bump defenders with a tombstone and call for strikes. Repeat.
Intermediate (B3)
Side Kick
Outside Defense v. Right Punch
Hair grab front
Hair grab side, impending knee
Drill: A/B drill. Group A defends, Group B attacks. Defenders starts with eyes closed. Attackers either hair grab from the front/side, bump defenders with a kick shield calling for side kick, or verbally get defenders attention before winding up to throw a right punch. Repeat.
Advanced (B3)
Spinning Outside Slap Kick
Sliding Defense v. Spinning Heel Kick
Stopping Defense v. Spinning Heel Kick
Stick - Baseball Bat Defense
Drill: Group of 3. 1 pad holder, 1 striker, 1 attacker. Pad holder holds focus mitts or clap paddle for striker to throw spinning outside slap kicks (striker may use both legs to kick). Attacker intermittently gets striker's attention verbally and either throws a spinning heel kick or attacks with a baseball bat swing. Striker defends against the attack, finishes the fight and returns to striking the pad with outside slap kicks.