Lesson Plans Monday, July 8, 2019

John Whitman
July 8, 2019


Palm Heel Strikes

Front Kick Vertical Target

Drill: move around, pad holder calls out Left/Right or Front Kick Vertical Target

Choke From the Side

Drill: as above, but a third person makes Choke From the Side at any time



Focus Mitts: 2 rounds of 3 minutes

Straight Punch With Advance (review)

Front Kick With Advance

Drill: eyes closed, attacker pushes defender, then holds pad up or down; defender recovers and makes Advancing Straight Punch or Front Kick With Advance as appropriate

Ground - Kick Off From Guard

Drill: as above, but sometimes pad holder pushes and says "Down!" Defender must drop down. Attacker goes into guard, and defender must make Kick Off From Guard



Thai Pads: 2 rounds of 4 minutes

One Arm Shoulder Throw

Drill Option 1 (Basic): attacker makes straight punches and defender defends; when attacker makes a 360 attack, the defender defends, then makes One Arm Shoulder Throw

Drill Option 2(Advanced): attacker makes straight punches and defender defends; attacker moves in to clinch; defender establishes 50/50 (arms over and under position), then makes One Arm Shoulder Throw.

Gun From The Front


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