Straight Punches
Groin Kick
Drill: move around the room, pad holder calls out for Left/Right or Groin Kick
Choke from Behind
Drill: as above, but a third person makes Choke from Behind
Focus Mitts: Combos 1-4
Focus Mitts: Combos 6 and 7
Bearhug Front Arms Caught
Bearhug Front Arms Free
Flow Drill: attacker (wearing Focus Mitts) makes Bearhug Front Arms Caught; defender defends; attacker breaks away and calls out several combinations; then attacker makes Bearhug Front Arms Free; defender defends and finishes.
Thai Pads: Combo 2k/Right/Left Kick
Thai pads: Combo 3k/Left Hook/Right Kick
Headlock from the Side (review from Level 2)
Headlock from the Side, Spinning Inward
Ground - Side Control
Ground - Arm Lock (Americana) from Side Control
Drill: attacker makes Headlock from the Side; defender spins ward, establishes control and strikes; attacker gives up headlock; defender makes Americana