Straight Punches
Groin Kick
Drill: A/B drill with straight punches or groin kicks
Choke from the Side
Drill: eyes closed, choke from either side
Drill: eyes closed, choke from the side or strikes from any angle (hammer fist, straight punches, groin kicks)
Hook Punch
Uppercut Punch
Combo #8 (Right Uppercut/Left Hook/Right Straight)
Combo #9 (Left Uppercut/Right Straight/Left Hook)
Defense v. Front Kick to the Groin (redirect)
Defense v. Low Round Kick (absorb)
Drill: pad holder moves around and calls out punch combinations OR makes a low kick
Thai Pads: Combo #9 (Left uppercut/Right Cross/Left Hook) with Right Knee
Thai Pads: after the knee, pad holder shoots and striker must sprawl
Gun from the Front
Gun from Behind (Touching)
Gun from Behind, Being Walked
Drill: gun techniques hold packages, bags, etc. in hands; ALSO, gunman moving, pointing the gun in different directions so that the defender must wait for an opportunity. Sometimes, gunman makes the defender walk in front of him with the gun touching his back.