Straight Punch with Advance
Inside Defenses
Headlock from Behind
Drill: one attack, one defend with Inside Defenses; at any time, random attackers walk around the room and attack the punchers with Headlock from Behind
Focus Mitts: Left/slip right cross/Left Hook/Right Cross
Kick Off from Guard
Reverse Headlock Standing
Bearhug Behind, Arms Free
Drill: start on ground with Attacker 1 in guard; make Kick Off from Guard; as you stand up, Attacker 1 puts you in Reverse Headlock standing; as you finish the defense, Attacker 2 attacks with Bearhug From Behind, Arms Free
Thai Pads: 2 rounds, 3 minutes, very fast pace!
Gun From Behind, Touching
Gun From Behind, Walking
Gun From Behind, Hugging Technique