Palm Heel Strike
DRILL: 3 Position Strikes
Groups of 2, Striker, Pad. Striker sends burst of Palm Heels from cued position (Standing, Kneeling, Back). Transition between positions for time.
Hammerfist Forward
Groups of 2, Striker, Pad. Striker sends burst of Palm Heels or Hammerfists based on instructor’s cue. Strikes should be constant, not stopping to rest or transition between strikes.
Ground - Side Position
Ground - Side Kick
DRILL - FINAL: Sawtooth Drill
Groups of 4+, Striker, 3+ Padholders. Padholders line up kneeling, facing a wall. Striker begins at one end, in Side Position, back to wall. Kickshields should be angled 45 degrees with fronts facing away from Striker. On “GO!” Striker must move down the line of pads by striking, kicking, and scooting until exiting the opposite end.
Inside Defense vs. Left/Right
Bearhug Rear - Arms Free
Groups of 3, Defender, Attacker1, Attacker2. Attacker1 sends Left/Right Straight for defense. Attacker2 attacks ATTACKER1 with Bearhug Rear. Defend and return to sending strikes to Defender.
Reverse Headlock Standing (Guillotine)
Groups of 3, Defender Attacker1, Attacker2. Same as above, but as part of Bearhug Rear defense, Attacker1, should place Attacker2 into a Guillotine (after turning toward) and Attacker2 defends.