Straight Punches
Hammerfist to the Front
Drill: flurries of punches using straight punches and hammerfist
Straight Punch Low
Inside Def. v. Straight Punch Low
Review Inside Defense
Drill: defend high or low straight punch; first left hand only, then right hand only, then mix it up
After warm up, general punching to prepare hands
Tabata Punches, 4 rounds (Tabata = 20 seconds on, 10 second rest)
Review Advancing Front Kick from Level 1
Review Choke from Behind from Level 1
Choke from Behind with a Pull
Drill: eyes closed; punch to the front or Choke from Behind with a Pull
Thai pads: 3 minute drill - one minute left right combination, one minute right round kicks, one minute left round kicks
Stick - review defense v. downward swing
Stick - review baseball bat
Stick - defend either downward or baseball bat
Bayonet stab -- live side (like long gun defense)