Straight Punches: Left/Right/Right and Left/Left/Right
Advanced Technique: Gun from Behind
Thai Pads: practice round kicks only, work on technique
Thai Pads: 3 rounds of 2 minutes
Inside Defense (review)
Outside Defenses 1-5
Drill: groups of 4; one person in the middle. The other three can make straight punches from any angle; defender must defend using inside and outside defenses, make counterattacks, then return to the middle
Focus Mitts: 2 rounds of 3 minutes
Clinch Work -- Start in classic KM "framing position" for knees; from there, attacker tries to pass the control; both partners try to get better positions using the "50/50" position, Muay Thai plum, and under hooks, etc. Include light strikes. Do 6 rounds of :30 seconds
Face-to-Face Throw
Hip Escape from Side Control -- after training the technique, have the attacker include palm heel strikes to simulate a fight.
Drill: from clinch, one person makes face-to-face throw and gets to Side Control; other person defends punches and uses Hip Escape