Straight Punches (review)
Knees (without grabbing)
360 Defense
Choke From Behind
Drill: defender strikes a pad with punches and knees; at any time, another attacker can give a verbal signal and make. 360 from the side OR make Choke From Behind.
Striking Review: straight punches, front kick to groin, round kicks
Outside Defenses 1-5
Drill: group of 3; defender punches a pad; third person makes straight punch from the side at any time; defender must defend, make counterattacks, then continue to strike the pad
Bearhug From Behind, Arms Free
Drill: as above, but include Bearhug From Behind also
Front Kick Vertical Target
Two Front Kicks with a Switch
Gun From The Front - attacker holding shirt with left hand (regular technique)
Gun From The Front - Machine Gun Takedown (attacker reaching across defender's body with left hand)