Beginner Class (A3)
Warm Up: Shoulder Tag
Front Kick (Groin)
Combo: Front Kick/Knee (Same Leg) – work both sides
360 Defense
Choke from Behind
Advanced: Gun From Behind
Intermediate Class (A3)
Defensive Front Kick
Combo: Focus Mitts, Chest pad; Defensive front Kick/Cross/Hook/Upper Cutt.
Defense v. Low Round Kick (Absorb)
Drill: Focus Mitts, Chest pad; Defensive from Kick/Cross/Hook/Upper Cutt; pad holder executes a low round kick, striker absorbs the kick/same side kick/ and follows up with 2 punches
Knife- Upward stab
Ground- Arm Bar from Guard
Advanced Class (A3)
2 Front Kicks with a Switch
2 Straight Knees with a Switch
2 Rounds of 2 Minutes:
Round one- 2 Front kicks with a switch
Round two- 2 Knees with a switch
One Arm Shoulder Throw
Drill: Level 1 & 2 Self Defense techniques; shoulder throw when possible
Stick over head
Drill: Groups of 3; shin guards, open palm (no gloves); Light sparring, defend stick and continue light fighting.