Palm Heel Strike
Drill: flurries of strikes on command
Hammerfist to the Side
Drill: eyes closed; pad holder pushes from either side, defender reacts with Hammerfist to the Side then continues with Palm Heel Strike until pad holder calls "Time!"
Choke from Behind
3 Round Drill to tombstone pad: round 1 -- left/right, one groin kick, one round kick, one sprawl with a knee; round 2 -- double everything; round 3 -- triple everything
Front Kick with Advance
Drill: eyes closed, passive stance; pad holder shoves defender and steps back; defender reacts with Advancing Front Kick
Bearhug Front, Arms Caught
Drill: eyes closed, either pad drill as above OR Bearhug Front, Arms Caught
Focus Mitts: 2 rounds of 3 minutes, emphasize footwork and distance control (moving in and out)
Spinning Heel Kick
Focus Mitts: 1 round of 3 minutes, include basic combinations and sometimes call for Spinning Heel Kick
Gun from the Front
Gun from the Front, 2 Handed Technique