Beginner (A2)
Front Kick- Groin
Round Kick- work both sides
Horse Shoe Drill
Straight Punch Low
Inside defense v. Straight Punch Low
Choke from the Front with a Push
Drill: Choke from Front with a Push, after the initial defense, attacker, takes a back and attacks with a straight punch Low.
Intermediate (A2)
Focus Mitts- Flow Pattern
Part I- L-Hook, L-Hook, R-Cross
Part II- R-Uppercut, R-Cross, L-Hook, R-Cross
1-1 Minute Round- Put Part I & II together in a relatively fast, non stop continuos pattern.
Outside Slap Kick
Bearhug Behind Arms Caught
Bearhug Behind Arms Free
Bearhug Front and Behind (remove arms)
Drill: Groups of 4-5; 1 min. Non stop aggressive Bearhug attacks
Advanced (A2)
Scissor Front Kick
Scissor Round Kick
Drill: 3 Rounds
L/R Combination, R-Elbow strike x 10
Scissor Front Kick (5x each side)
Scissor Round Kick (5x each side)
10 Jump squats
Advanced Gun- from front assailant using off hand
Advanced Gun- from kneeling position
Drill: Defender with their eyes closed, attacker makes gun threat from front using off hand, or orders defender to get on their knees and makes gun threat from kneeling position.