Beginner Lesson Plans (A2)
Drill: Follow the Leader with footwork
Straight Punches: Left/Right/Right
Round Kick (emphasize forward leg with step or switch feet)
Combination: Left/Right/Right/Left Round Kick
Choke Front Push
Choke Front Push Against Wall
Defensive Front Kick
Drill: groups of 3; punches and elbows to a pad; when a second pad holder approaches, turn to the new attacker and make Defensive Front Kick, then continue striking that pad
Ground: Side Mount
Ground: Hip Escape from Side Mount
Ground: Arm Lock
Combo: Left Front Kick Vertical Target/Right Cross/Left Hook/Right Straight/Left Elbow #1
Hip Throw – hook under arm; if experienced, practice opposite side
Sparring Drill: one attack/one defender; defender try to incorporate Hip Throw into counterattacks
Knife Forward Slash
Knife Back Slash
Note: if experienced, make the slashes very straight, almost like straight stab.