Straight Punch with Advance (quick lesson)
Inside Defense
Inside Defense v. Straight Punch Low
Ground – Side Position
Ground – Side Kick
Ground – Get Up from Side
Drill: defender makes Inside Defense; puncher can also yell “Down!” and defender must drop down into a Ground Side Position, give a kick to the air, and get back up
Straight Punches
Hammerfist Punches
Drill: pushed from side, give hammer fist followed by straight punches; resent with eyes closed
Outside Defenses 1-5
Choke Behind Review
Choke Behind with a Pull
Drill: eyes closed; Choke Behind Pull OR verbal warning and then straight punch from either side
Belt Drill — 3 rounds each! 30 seconds – 45 seconds – 30 seconds
Gun Front
Long Gun Front (live side)