Palm Strike
Palm Strike Combo: Left/Right/Right
Elbow #1
Combo: Palm Strikes Left/Left/Right/Right Elbow
Knees – emphasize control and turn, use attacker as a shield
Choke Front (1 handed pluck)
Advanced Technique: Choke from the Side on the Ground (ONLY IF the instructor knows it)
Awareness Drill: groups of 3; defender closes his eyes; the attacker makes the choke, while a third person stands somewhere nearby; the defender must defend, then spin the attacker so that he is between the defender and the third person
Front Kick to Groin (review)
Forward Roll
Drill: pushed, make forward roll, turn and give front kick to pad
Inside Defense with Counter Attack v. Left Punch
Inside Defense with Counter Attack v. Right Punch (2 counters)
Inside Defense with Counter Attach v. Right Punch (1 counter)
Drill: pushed, make forward roll, turn and defend Left or Right Punch (appropriate speed!)
Focus Mitts with disturbing (pad holder strikes the puncher, then calls a combination)
Axe Defense v. Overhead — like stick defense, but emphasize opening outward with the defending arm so that the axe head moves away from the body. If you want to be very elaborate, you can tape rubber knives perpendicularly to the end of sticks to create an axe head.